Conte Tea Time
Conte Tea Time is a community building activity for Conte Center members, designed to encourage crosstalk amongst students, fellows and staff in different Center laboratories, as well as our computing experts and outreach collaborators. The Tea Times provide Center members the opportunity to regularly share their scientific work and outreach ideas with each other in an informal atmosphere in between the larger, more formal annual events such as retreats and scientific advisory board meetings.
Past Presenters:
April 17, 2013
Julio Perez (Dulac Lab)
Regional differences in genomic imprinting across the brain
Luke Bogart (Hensch Lab)
Visualizing cortical parvalbumin circuits with brainbow
May 8, 2013
Ke Xu (Zhuang Lab)
A periodic neuronal cytoskeleton revealed by STORM
Lauren Schiller & Chad Desharnais (Harvard Graduate School of Education)
Brain Awareness Outreach to Middle School Students
May 29, 2013
Josh Morgan (Lichtman Lab)
Why Not Connectomics?
June 19, 2013
George Marnellos (Informatics Core)
Short introduction to NGS and RNA-Seq
July 10, 2013
Hing Cheong (Henry) Lee (Hensch Lab)
How does Otx2 regulate cortical plasticity?
October 9, 2013
John Choi (Dulac Lab)
Tissue-Specific Imprinting of Argonaute 2
Nicholas Lee (Hensch Lab)
Genome-wide transcription factor network analysis in two major neuron cell types reveals a novel contribution of SP1 in neuron plasticity regulation
December 11, 2013
Nimrod Rubinstein & Julio Perez (Dulac Lab)
Discovering parentally biased gene expression in the mouse cerebellum